
You can advertise a rental housing for free on BostadsZonen here. Creating a Housing Ad only requires you to create a (free) user on BostadsZonen.

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Yes, it is free to advertise your rental housing on BostadsZonen. If you need help creating your ad, we are always available.

You can advertise the rental housing for free here.

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Yes, you do - you therefore donโ€™t have to log in to BostadsZonen all the time. You will automatically receive an email when a potential tenant writes to you via our messaging system on BostadsZonen. We recommend that you as a landlord respond quickly to the messages you receive. We have several auto-generated messages that can be used easily and simply.

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You do that by logging in to your profile (My Page โ€“ as Landlord) and selecting โ€˜My Housing Adsโ€™ and then selecting โ€˜Edit Housing Adโ€™.

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