BostadsZonen is a housing portal that mediates the contact between landlords and tenants of rental housing throughout Sweden.
BostadsZonen is addressed at landlords who want to advertise and rent out one or more rental housings, and for tenants who want to find rental housing.
Besides that, BostadsZonen provides a number of tools, such as e.g. articles templates and guides that aim to make it easier to rent out and rent housings in Sweden.
BostadsZonen aims to be a housing portal where tenants and landlords can find each other and find relevant tools for everything within rental housing. BostadsZonen does not manage or facilities the actual housing of the respective housings advertised on the website.
BostadsZonen ApS (hereafter BostadsZonen)
Hummeltoftevej 49, 2830 Virum, Denmark
VAT DK / CVR: 39223112
These Terms and Conditions are applied between the individual user (hereafter "User") and BostadsZonen.
By "User" is meant the person who creates a user account on BostadsZonen, typically with the purpose of searching for rental properties or renting out a rental property. This includes creating a Profile, Housing Preferences, a Housing Matcher, a Housing Ad, purchasing a subscription, or utilizing other services offered by BostadsZonen, such as purchasing templates, etc.
It is a condition that the User, when creating a user account, purchasing a subscription and or using or purchasing other services (hereafter Services) offered by BostadsZonen, has read and accepted these Terms and Conditions.
Only people who are 18 years or older can buy a subscription or create Housing Ads at BostadsZonen.
These Terms and Conditions, together with BostadsZonen’s Personal Data Policy and Cookie Policy, constitute the agreement that is made between the User and BostadsZonen.
BostadsZonen is basically free to access. You can search for rental housing at any time, as well as create a user account for free. You can also create a Profile, Housing Preferences, a Housing Ad and a HousingMatcher for free.
Users/landlords who want additional promotion for their housing ad can purchase an ongoing subscription-based promotion package.
If the User/tenant seeker wants access to the landlords' contact information, a subscription-based access must be purchased.
When a landlord purchases a promotion package for a housing ad, an ongoing subscription is simultaneously created, and the property is promoted according to the selected package until the subscription is canceled.
When access to the landlords' contact information is purchased on BostadsZonen, an ongoing subscription is created. The subscription gives you access to the landlord's contact information until the subscription is terminated.
The purchase of access to the landlord's contact information is, like the other services on BostadsZonen, an online service with the simultaneous creation of an ongoing subscription that gives you access to the landlord's contact information on the active housing ads available at
BostadsZonen is not involved in either the contact between the tenant and the landlord, or the actual rental of the respective rental housing.
A Profile is a short description of you as either a tenant or a landlord. The Profile can be seen by you and the people you are in contact with on BostadsZonen.
If Housing Preferences are filled out under your Profile, your Profile and Housing Preferences will present you as a tenant seeker, including information about you and your criteria for your desired rental property. This information can be viewed by the landlords you are in contact with, as well as landlords who have an available rental property that matches your Housing Preferences.
A HousingMatcher is a service that, based on some of the criteria you specify, notifies you of new relevant rental housings per. mail.
A Housing Ad is an advertisement filled out by the landlord with information about the rental housing that she or he is renting out.
In addition to the above Services, BostadsZonen also offers a number of templates, some are free to access and others require payment.
In order to access the Services, the user must create a user account on BostadsZonen.
The user is responsible for ensuring that the information provided when creating the user account is correct. Upon registration, the User may also only provide information regarding his or her own email address and own payment and credit cards.
When registering the user account, the User must enter a username and password (hereafter “Login Information”). The User’s Login Information is personal and may not be passed on, lent to or used by others. Similarly, it is not permitted to use the access to share information that is only available behind your login, such as contact details of landlords or tenants.
The User must keep the Login Information in a safe place so that others cannot gain unauthorized access to it. The User is responsible for all use of his or her user account.
The Login Information may not be misused, nor may the information that the User accesses via the Services be passed on.
If the Login Information or the information that is accessed via Login Information is misused, it could lead to being blocked of the Services for the respective User without the already paid subscription service will be refunded.
If the User suspects illegal use of the User's Login Information, the User must immediately notify BostadsZonen and change his or her password.
When access to landlords' contact information is purchased, or promotion for a Housing Ad is added, it constitutes a subscription-based purchase. This means that the subscription agreement is ongoing and will automatically renew/continue with the periodic renewal specified at the time of registration until the subscription is canceled.
This also means that, upon purchase and thereby subscription activation, it is accepted that BostadsZonen may subsequently charge the agreed monthly subscription fee until the subscription is canceled.
When you buy access to the landlords' contact information on BostadsZonen, the first 4 days of access cost 39 kr. The purchase is subscription-based, which means that you create a subscription at the same time as the purchase, which then continues and is renewed automatically. When the first four days have expired, the subscription costs is 369 kr. per month. This is an ongoing subscription, which is periodically renewed every 30 days.
A subscription period begins at the time the purchase is completed - which means at the time the subscription is created. Therefore, it is not the time at which the amount is deducted from your bank account that is decisive for the length of the period.
You can always log in to "My page" under "Account" and see the status of your subscription, including when it is renewed, just as you will also be able to see your completed payments.
A subscription can be canceled at any time during the current subscription period.
You cancel your subscription by logging in to "My page" on BostadsZonen. There you find "Account" from where you press "Cancel subscription". You can also cancel your subscription by contacting our customer service at
Once you have canceled your subscription, you will receive an email with a confirmation of your termination. You should be aware that the email may end up in your spam / advertising filter. If you do not receive the email confirming your termination, or if you experience other problems in connection with your termination, you must immediately contact our customer service so that we can help and check whether the termination has gone through correctly.
It is the User's responsibility to save the receipt for the termination as documentation that the termination has taken place.
The termination of your subscription will step into effect by the end date of your current payment period. For you, this means that there will be no further payments due after the valid expiration date ends. If you have one or more pending payments when you cancel, you are still liable for these.
When a subscription is terminated, you can still use the Services during the period you have already paid for, corresponding to the remaining time of the subscription period for which you last paid. Already completed subscription purchases are non-refundable.
You cannot cancel your subscription by rejecting a payment (please see the section about Payment). You will instead have to cancel your current subscription by logging in to BostadsZonen before your subscription will be considered terminated.
A subscription cannot be canceled by rejecting a payment via the bank, MobilePay, Vipps, or similar, as outlined in the Payment section. Insufficient funds on your payment card also cannot be considered equivalent to a cancellation. Therefore, the subscription will only be regarded as canceled if it is terminated via the account on BostadsZonen (by logging into BostadsZonen, as described above) or by contacting customer service.
All subscriptions are prepaid, and no refunds will be given for the remaining subscription period in connection with a cancellation. Similarly, any remaining period cannot be saved or transferred to other profiles or advertised rental properties.
In addition to the above, you as a User/landlord are always obligated to actively cancel the subscription for purchased promotion when the promotion is no longer desired, or if you deactivate your ad because the property has been rented out. Upon cancellation of a promoted ad for a rental property that remains advertised, the promotion will automatically be removed from the ad at the end of the most recent payment period.
When you buy a subscription on BostadsZonen, you can contact landlords of active housing ads on BostadsZonen immediately after completing your payment.
When a subscription with promotion for a housing ad is purchased, the selected promotion begins immediately after the payment is completed.
When you buy a subscription on BostadsZonen, you will be able to see your subscription by logging in with your user on "My page" on BostadsZonen, just as you will receive a confirmation email on the purchase of your subscription immediately after completing your payment. If you do not receive such an email, you must immediately contact BostadsZonen’s customer service.
You will also find the receipt for your purchase under "My page" under "Account".
When you buy a Service at BostadsZonen, e.g. by purchasing access to the landlords' contact information, you also accept that BostadsZonen may withdraw the agreed amount, corresponding to either the selected subscription solution or the price of the selected service, from your payment card.
You should also be aware that it can take up to 4 banking days from your completion of a purchase until the money is deducted from your bank account. This also applies to the withdrawing of the ongoing subscription.
When you buy a Service from BostadsZonen, you will, prior to your acceptance of the purchase, be informed of the service you are buying is incl. VAT and payment terms, just as you had to accept these Terms and Conditions in order to complete the purchase. You will be able to cancel your purchase at any time before the payment is completed.
Payment will only be deducted from your account once your user account has been created and the purchase has been completed unless otherwise agreed or stated in your order.
The user must make the payment for the purchase via the payment options offered by BostadsZonen on the website.
The user obliges, at each payment date (i.e. at each renewal of the subscription), to have sufficient resources of payment available on the chosen type of payment. If a payment is rejected, BostadsZonen will try to deduct the payment at a later time. Failure to collect the payment, the Services will be blocked and we will then consider the non-payment as a cancellation. You will then be able to sign up with a new payment card and renew your subscription if desired.
BostadsZonen receives online payments with Visa and Mastercard.
All amounts on the website includes VAT. The website uses the following currencies for pricing: Sweden – Swedish krona (SEK).
We use the greatest possible security for the use of your credit card information on BostadsZonen, and we do not store your credit card information. BostadsZonen uses a secure payment server that encrypts all information with SSL protocol, which means that your data is secure and cannot be read by third part parties.
At BostadsZonen, Housing Ad and Housing Preferences can be created.
As a User, you guarantee that the content you create using BostadsZonen’s Services is in accordance with our rules for advertising.
Advertising on BostadsZonen must be substantively correct in both text and images. The content must not be untrue or violate the rights of third parties, nor must it be misleading, hostile, discriminatory, racist or otherwise offensive.
Advertising on the BostadsZonen may not violate copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights.
It is not permitted to provide contact information or the specific address in either the ad headings or the text associated with the ad.
You commit, by entering into these Terms and Conditions, to delete advertisements, such as Housing Ads, Profil and Housing Preferences, when they can no longer be considered relevant / active.
This means that Housing Ads must be deleted / deactivated as soon as the rental is rented out, and that Housing Preferences must be deleted as soon as you are no longer a home seeker.
BostadsZonen reserves the right, at any time, to edit or remove ads in whole or in part, if the content is suspected to be 1) in violation of applicable law, 2) BostadsZonen’s terms and conditions and requirements for advertising, 3) consideration for Users or 4) our reputation.
BostadsZonen has a large network of e.g. Facebook groups for rental housing. When you create a Housing Ad on BostadsZonen, you also accept that your Housing Ad may be shared in our Facebook groups. This is done solely to help you advertise your rental so that it reaches out to as many potential tenants as possible.
When a user account is created on BostadsZonen, it is simultaneously accepted that BostadsZonen may send service emails and market similar products via electronic communication, such as emails about relevant rental properties.
You can at any time – either before creating your user account or subsequently – unsubscribe free of charge, so you no longer receive service messages, marketing communications for similar products, or subscribed newsletters. To opt out of these communications, you can contact customer service directly at
Should you regret the purchase of a subscription or other Service purchased from BostadsZonen, a 14-day right of withdrawal is granted on your purchase made by a consumer. You therefore have the right to withdraw from this agreement without justification within 14 days.
The cancellation period expires 14 days after the day on which the agreement was entered into / the purchase is completed. The request for cancellation of the subscription purchase must be notified to us no later than 14 days after the purchase.
Regarding subscriptions purchased on BostadsZonen, the withdrawal period only applies as long as the subscription has not been used. For example, if you log into your user account after completing the subscription purchase, start searching for rental properties, contact a landlord, fill out your Profile and/or Housing Preferences, actively advertise and promote your available rental property, or perform similar activities, your right of withdrawal will therefore be forfeited due to the use of the subscription.
In case of templates purchased on BostadsZonen, the withdrawal period only applies as long as the template has not been downloaded. By "downloaded" is meant that the document, which is of digital content, has been opened and or downloaded.
If you want to use your right of withdrawal on the purchase of a template, do not download the template. As soon as the template is downloaded, you accept that your right of withdrawal lapses.
Notice of use of the right of withdrawal must be sent by email to The notice must clearly state your desire to make use of the right of withdrawal, just as you will have to inform us of the name and email with which you completed the purchase and when the purchase was completed. The attached right of withdrawal standard form can also be used, but it is not mandatory.
The subscription is a purchase with recurring payments, which is why the 14-day right of withdrawal always applies from the original registration date, provided that the product has not been used since then. Therefore, a new withdrawal period does not begin with each recurring payment of the subscription.
The right of withdrawal for the purchase of a subscription with BostadsZonen therefore only applies during the first 14 days following the completion of the original purchase/subscription registration, after which the withdrawal period expires. Consequently, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for the ongoing payments of the subscription service charged after the expiration of the withdrawal period.
If you make justified use of your right of withdrawal, BostadsZonen will refund you the amount you paid without undue delay and in any case within 14 days of receiving your withdrawal request.
We will make such a refund using the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise. In any case, you will not be charged any fees as a result of the refund.
Should it happen that our Services does not live up to your expectations, please contact our customer service and we will do everything we can to find a satisfactory solution.
In the event of inappropriate operational disruptions, extended response times or otherwise as a result of technical faults on BostadsZonen, BostadsZonen reserves the right to remedy the problem by e.g. to give the user extra subscription time corresponding to the time the service could not be used. This requires the user to send documentation that the service could not be accessed - e.g. in the form of screenshots.
Complaint regarding defects on BostadsZonen must be reported to BostadsZonen within a reasonable time after the error has occurred.
If you want a refund of a purchase as a result of finding a false housing ad, please contact customer service immediately, with the necessary information, including image documentation, for the suspected false advertisement.
If you as a User experience problems or errors on BostadsZonen, improper use, inaccurate ads, offensive content or otherwise, please contact us immediately at, so we can solve the problem as quickly as possible.
If the use of BostadsZonen is misused, including these terms, BostadsZonen will be able to delete the necessary content, including restricting or interrupting our Service (e.g. your user account, your Profile, your Housing Preferences, your Housing Ad or similar) and cancel your subscription.
BostadsZonen reserves the right to use these measures, but we do not assume any responsibility for unauthorized or illegal content or unauthorized use of our website or Services.
BostadsZonen’s website and content may not be copied, modified or distributed in any form, , and the use of bots, web crawlers, or scraping is not permitted.
All data on BostadsZonen belongs to BostadsZonen and is protected by copyright. No content, data, copyrights or trademarks of BostadsZonen may be used for commercial purposes, no content may be crawled, just as no texts, rentals, ads, images, contact information, templates or similar content or data may be copied, modified, shared, misused or distributed from BostadsZonen.
At BostadsZonen, the "Copyright law" must be complied with.
The user may only upload material, including images, films and text, which the user either owns the copyright to and which does not infringe the copyright of a third party. "Copyright law" applies everywhere on the website, including: Material The user shows on his or her profile and in his or her ads.
When creating content on BostadsZonen, you give BostadsZonen an irrevocable right to make the content available, change in and produce the content, including data, text and images.
BostadsZonen makes use of this right to e.g. to store and display your ads as well as for marketing purposes.
BostadsZonen only helps with the dissemination of contact information between landlord and tenant. BostadsZonen is not involved in the interaction or transactions between tenant and landlord, just as BostadsZonen is neither the landlord nor the administrator of the Housing Ads on BostadsZonen.
BostadsZonen is therefore not responsible for the content or accuracy of the information provided, including the accuracy of the content of the housing ads found on BostadsZonen.
It is the User's responsibility to ensure that the user information provided, including the email used to create a user account, is entered correctly. If you do not receive a receipt for your purchase, or if you for any other reason suspect that an incorrect e-mail has been entered when creating your user or your purchase, you must immediately contact BostadsZonen’s customer service so that the error can be corrected. BostadsZonen is not responsible for the Users' incorrect information, or the consequences thereof, such as e.g. failure to receive a receipt for the purchase or termination of a subscription due to an incorrectly entered email address.
It is at all times the User's responsibility to provide the necessary care and attention when navigating and using the website, also with regard to the content of information, including e.g. Housing Ads and the information the User may provide in a Profile, Housing Preferences, as BostadsZonen is not responsible for other Users' use of available data on BostadsZonen.
BostadsZonen is not responsible for the correctness of the contact information or information about the housing ads. BostadsZonen does everything we can to ensure accuracy in all the ads, but since the rentals are not our own, we cannot guarantee that the information provided is correct. If you as a user suspect that there is a false housing ad on BostadsZonen, please contact BostadsZonen’s customer service immediately so that it can be investigated further.
Similarly, BostadsZonen is also not responsible if housing seekers and landlords try in vain to obtain contact with each other. BostadsZonen can also not be held responsible for the information and terms that appear on the landlord or administrators' website.
BostadsZonen is also not responsible for losses caused as a result of hacker attacks, viruses, server crashes, failing access to the website, system and IT breakdowns on BostadsZonen or on the landlord’s website, even if such a breakdown may result in loss of data in BostadsZonen systems.
BostadsZonen is furthermore not responsible for matters beyond BostadsZonen’s control, including force majeure, third party misuse of personal data or other matters and circumstances beyond BostadsZonen’s control.
The documents / templates that are available or can be purchased on BostadsZonen are dependent on the User's input and choice, which is why any errors or incorrect statements in the content the User indicates are not BostadsZonen’s responsibility.
The documents, articles and templates that are available on BoligZonen are an inspiration for how a given topic can be handled. As a User, you have the full responsibility to ensure that the lease contract is correctly completed and legally drafted. It cannot be seen as legal advice and is subject in its entirety to the correctness of the content also in the legal sense. Any (tenancy law)-issue requires someone with an understanding of this area of law to decide on the specific situation in order to achieve the correct application.
It is therefore encouraged that expert advice is sought when using legal documents and templates, so as to ensure that the use is done correctly in relation to the specific problem.
BostadsZonen can in no case be made responsible for the use of the various templates offered on BostadsZonen. BostadsZonen is therefore not responsible for any direct, indirect or consequential losses that the User or others may suffer as a result of the use of the templates / documents / articles.
The content of BostadsZonen, correspondence or other contact with BostadsZonen does not constitute legal advice of any kind.
By using BostadsZonen and the Services offered here, you also agree that BostadsZonen, as the data controller, collects, transfers, stores, uses and registers your personal information on servers located in Germany.
All your information will be treated confidentially, and will only be available to trusted employees at BostadsZonen.
When personal information is collected via our website, either in connection with the creation of a user account, Housing Ad, Housing Search Ad, HousingMatcher or in connection with a purchase, we ensure that you are always informed about exactly what information is collected and why. We refer to BostadsZonen’s Personal Data Policy if you want to read more about this.
All communication with credit card information between you and the server, as well as login, takes place via a secure connection, with SSL (Secure Socket Layer).
We regularly check the registered data to ensure the accuracy of stored data. However, you as the User are responsible for ensuring that your personal information is correct, just as you are responsible for protecting your login information.
If your password has been misused or you suspect it, you should immediately ask customer service ( to change your password and block your account.
You must be aware that information you provide in a Profile, Housing Ad or in your Housing Preferences, as part of BostadsZonen’s Services is visible on the website.
Log statistics
We use a log statistic, which means that a statistics system collects information that can give us a statistical picture of how many visitors we have to BostadsZonen and where they come from, etc.
The log statistics are only used for the purpose of optimizing BostadsZonen and a better user experience.
BostadsZonen reserves the right to change the price of our Services and update the Terms and Conditions.
Changes must be notified to the User no later than thirty (30) days before the change takes effect. In the event of such changes, the User is entitled to terminate the subscription with effect from the day the change takes place. If the User does not cancel the subscription before the change takes effect, it must be considered as acceptance of the change. Changes that are for the obvious benefit of the User apply immediately without the right of termination for the User.
BostadsZonen may also update the Terms and Conditions, the Personal Data Policy and the Cookie Policy by announcing the changes on BostadsZonen or by sending an email to the User.
At BostadsZonen, we want satisfied customers and transparent terms, so it is easy for you as a User to know what you get from us. Should you still have questions or experience something that you are not satisfied with, you are always welcome to contact our customer service (
Should it unexpectedly not be possible to reach an agreement on a given situation, and if you wish to proceed with your complaint after BostadsZonen has processed your inquiry, you as a private customer can submit a complaint.
If it has not been possible to reach an agreement regarding a dispute with BostadsZonen, you can contact the National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN) at or Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm. You can also use the online complaint platform available on the EU Commission’s website: When submitting a complaint, you must state the following email:
For information about your rights as a consumer, we recommend visiting the Swedish Consumer Agency's website at
If you have questions about the above or if you want to get in touch with us for any other reason, we are always ready to help you. You are therefore more than welcome to contact us on