1 room apartment of 15 m2
12476 Bandhagen
1 rums lägenhet i Bandhagen
We have a BRIGHT & CHEERFUL BEDROOM that we would like to rent out in our 60 sqm apartment. The bedroom has a 90 cm. single bed, a spacious walk-in closet, a desk, & an ergonomic chair. We use the apartment only sometimes because we are in our other apartment most of the time. So we are looking for a calm and responsible tenant for the bedroom who would help us take care of our home. The apartment has a spacious kitchen, a cozy living room & a sunny balcony. The living room has a sofa, tv table, and an oak shelf. The kitchen has a dining table set with 4 chairs and a large cupboard system. The flat is equipped with high quality appliances & has a laundry washing machine, a laundry dryer machine, an induction stove with oven, a built-in microwave, & a refrigerator. From the flat, there are many good transportation options to the city. The closest T-bana station is Hagsätra. And Älvsjö Station is a few minutes by bus. If you are interested, please tell us about yourself and we would be glad to tell you more about ourselves and our apartment. Meanwhile, here's wishing you a great day!
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