1 rum lägenhet på 15 m2
13536 Tyresö
1 rums lägenhet i Tyresö
I am renting out my nice room on1st floor furnished as I am staying alone in this larger accommodation. I am looking for working or student female who will be interested to share. This row house is bright and tastefully decorated. The smart floor plan offers an airy room with large windows that let in plenty of daylight. The kitchen has plenty of work space and a natural place for a dining table .It is fully furnished house, With its well-planned area, the home feels both spacious and functional - ideal as a first home or for those looking for a stylish and ready-to-move-in. There are practical facilities such as laundry room, bicycle storage. In addition, you are close to the bus station, parking and coop which is stone throw away from the facility.
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