1 rum lägenhet på 13 m2
16368 Spånga
1 rums lägenhet i Spånga
The ad is for a room in a shared apartment. You will share the apartment with two international room mates in their 20's. Communication in the household takes place in English, so it is important that you feel comfortable with that. The available room is fully furnished and comes with its own balcony, the bedroom is marked "Bedroom 3" on the floor plan. The bedroom has a bed, desk, wardrobe and TV with Chromecast, sheets are included. You will share all common areas in the newly renovated apartment with the other tenants. The apartment has a total area of 100 square meters which includes a big living room, kitchen/dining area, hallway and a fully equipped bathroom with washer/dryer. Electricity, heat, water and wifi is included in the rent. You also get access to the Google Home system with speakers in the kitchen and bathroom and a Google Assistant in the living room. The apartment is located in Tensta, close to both nature and shops. It is a 10-minute walk to the nearest subway station with a 20-minute journey to the T-central. There are also buses right outside the building. I am asking for a one month deposit of SEK 7400 which will be returned to you when you move out, provided you leave the room in reasonable condition and have paid the requested rent each month. The rent is paid in advance on the last day of each month via bank transfer. The TV is not shown in the pictures as it will be added to the room next week. Let me know if you have any questions about the room/apartment or want to see more pictures.
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